Monday, November 5, 2012

Update from The Board Prez

Greetings Greenwood Families!

Greenwood Tree will now be sending out weekly updates on upcoming events, updates, important information, etc. in one main email.

It is good to be back on the west coast after being delayed in our return home from New Jersey while the east coast tried to regroup after Sandy left her path of chaos. It was a good reminder of what we all have to be grateful for and also a good reminder of how we are coming into storm season here as well and how it benefits us to be prepared. Oddly the biggest lesson I learned was - if a big storm is coming your way, fill up your gas tank! 

As with many challenges, there was also the gift of being completely "unplugged" even from our cell phones. It gave our family rare moments of sitting together, not being rushed with a to do list, just talking, playing word games, and connecting in ways that seem so out of reach in our busy lives. It may be something that our family chooses to do on a regular basis from now on.

Upcoming Events this Week:

Tuesday, November 6th - Election Day! 
  • Apron sewing party at Maria Hansen's home for Holiday Bazaar and Fundraiser -9:30 AM. Call her at 766-4488 if interested in attending.
  • Set -up of the school - reminder to work around the men's group that meets at the church the 1st of the month from 5:30 - 7:00
Wednesday, November 7th
  • Fundraising Meeting - 4-6pm at the school. Open to anyone.
Sunday, November 11th - Martinmas and Veteran's Day
  • Lantern Walk/Martinmas Festival - Hillcrest Park in Mount Vernon.
-4:00 Lantern making. 
-5:00 Gather for circle and singing. 
-Snacks to follow. Please see attached flyer and spread the word to family and friends. More specific information to follow later in the week.
-There are a few things we could still use help with, see below for more information.

Looking Forward:

November 15th - Board Meeting 4:15-6:15pm at the school. Open to all members, please let a board member know if you plan to attend.

November 17th - Holiday Bazaar. 10am-4pm. Held at the school. Spread the word to family and friends. We may still have spaces open for vendors. Contact Shelley Shoenberger ( if interested.

This will be our main fundraising efforts for the remainder of the season. If you have not already signed up to help in some way, please consider doing what you can. There are things you can do if you are not available to attend that day. See below for more details.

November 21st-23rd - Thanksgiving Break. No classes held this week

November 29th - Parent Meeting. 5:30-7:30pm at the school.

What you need to know:

We could still use a few items for the Martinmas festival, can be brought that evening. Please contact Maria at if you are willing to bring any of these items:
    Firewood - just enough for a small fire to burn a few hours
    Hot Tea 
    Apple cider - hot desired, but cold is always good too!
    Simple, nourishing snacks - muffins, popcorn, cheese, cut up fruit and veggies, etc. (NO NUTS)

The Holiday Bazaar is less than 2 weeks away and we still have a bit more room for some vendors, contact Shelley Shoenberger ( if you or someone you know is interested.

You can help by:

  • Making aprons or donating material, thread - contact Maria if interested
  • Helping to run one of our "stations" - entry table, bake sale, children's crafts, Greenwood Tree sales table - see sign up sheet at the school, or email Maria. 
  • Donating baked goods - can be dropped off either on day of the sale, or Friday before ( November 16th)
  • Making a few simple signs to be put up during the sale - contact Maria if interested.
  • Donating items to the Greenwood table. All proceeds for the sale benefit Greenwood. 

Spread the Word! - a flyer will come out as soon as it is ready, but just telling your friends, everyone on your email list, etc.. we can let a lot of people know that it is happening and that it will be fun! There will be children's crafts and storytelling by our own Holly Gundolfi at 11am and 2pm.

And a friendly  reminder:

We so appreciate your helpfulness in the classroom. A cooperative cannot run without it and we recognize that everyone puts in time in their busy schedules. It is deeply appreciated by the teachers and the board, and our children really benefit from the attention that you help to provide and the behind the scene assistance that makes the day run smoothly.

If you are a helper, especially in the afternoon and particularly on Fridays when we take down, please make sure that the kitchen is truly clean and dishes are not only washed, but dried and put away. This will help in keeping good relations with the church and it is not something that is expected by the take down helper and we want our teachers, who have given so much to our kids and are TIRED by the end of the week to not have to feel this is something they need to worry about. 

We suggest that as time permits, you start to clean up even before the end of class, including asking the teachers what could be put back in the supply closet. 

Thanks for your continued support and hard work! If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact a board member.

See you this week!