Spanish Class Curriculum

el 13 de enero, 2012
Today in class we reviewed a couple of songs from last season and started with two new songs and a poem about winter.  We also practiced saying our name, where we live and how many people are in our family.  The last part of the class was used to learn the body parts.  In your main lesson book, pictures are a great way for students to make associations with new vocabulary.  Your children can draw a picture of a person/animal/etc. and label the parts of the body or they can just write down the new vocabulary with a small picture of the body part next to it.

Description of yourself:
Me llamo ________.
Yo vivo en __________.
Hay ______ personas en mi familia.

ejemplo (example):
Me llamo Shelley.
Yo vivo en Conway (en una casa).
Hay cuatro personas en mi familia (y un gato).

Body Parts
Grammar note: You always write down nouns with their definite article (the, a, an) when constructing a list of vocabulary.  In Spanish all nouns have a gender, feminine or masculine.  Generally masculine nouns end in –o and feminine end in –a.  This is not always the case (la mano).  To make a noun plural, add an –s after a vowel and –es after a consonant.  I will be using the definite article the (el, la, los, las) with the following nouns.

El cuerpo humano: human body
la cabeza: head
el pelo: hair
los ojos: eyes
la ceja: eyebrow
la nariz: nose
la boca: mouth
los labios: lips
los dientes: teeth
la lengua: tounge
la oreja: ear
las mejillas: cheeks
la frente: forehead
el cuello: neck
los hombros: shoulders
el brazo: arm
el codo: elbow
la mano: hand
el dedo: finger
el pecho: chest
el ombligo: bellybutton
el estómago: stomach
la espalda: back
la pierna: leg
la rodilla: knee
el pie: foot
el dedo del pie: toe
*Some of these were not used in class, but I wanted to add them because we will use them in the coming classes.

Here is a song that we will sing next week:

¿Qué es ésto?
¿Qué es ésto?  ¿Qué es ésto?
¿Qué es ésto que tengo yo?
Son las cejas, las orejas,
la nariz y el cuello.

Una lengua en la boca
Ojos grandes, tengo dos.
Una mente en la frente
La cabeza tengo yo.

¿Qué es ésto?  ¿Qué es ésto?
¿Qué es ésto que tengo yo?
Tengo brazos y dos manos
En el pecho el corazón

La barriga, las rodillas
las piernas tengo dos
Mis amigos tan chilitos
Son los pies en el suelo.

el 27 de enero, 2012
Today in class we reviewed the body parts from last class.  We sang the following song that is to the tune of “Clementine”.  They can point to the body parts as they sing.   (See above).

The students listened to the Three Little Pigs (Los Tres Cerditos) in class.  Here are some important vocabulary words.  We will be using this story over the next couple of classes, so if students are more familiar with the vocabulary, the more they will understand in the story.

Los Tres Cerditos: The Three Little Pigs
el cerdo: pig
el lobo: fox
la casa: house
la paja: straw
la madera: wood
el ladrillo: brick
soplar: to blow
derrumbar: to collapse, go to pieces
<<Abre la puerta y déjame entrar.>>     “Open the door and let me in.”
<<Ni por toda el oro del mundo, no te dejo pasar.>>   “Not for all of the gold in the world, I will not let you in.”
la chimenea: chimney

* << >> is used in Spanish for “quotation marks”.

Vocabulary for clothing was introduced today.  The following is a list of some clothing items. 

la gorra: stocking hat
los guantes: gloves
la chaqueta/el abrigo: jacket
los zapatos: shoes
las botas: boots
los calcetines: socks
los pantalones: pants
la falda: skirt
el vestido: dress
la camisa: shirt
la camiseta: tee shirt
la blusa: blouse
la bufanda: scarf
el collar: necklace
la pulsera: bracelet
las medias: stockings/tights
el chaleco: vest
las sandalias: sandals
los pantalones cortos: shorts
el traje de baño: swim suit
el arete: earring

*Some of these words were not reviewed in class but will be good to practice. 

We practiced saying what we are wearing.  Your child (and you ) can practice saying what you are wearing each day. 
    (Yo) llevo _______________.      I wear/I am wearing ______________.
    (Yo) estoy llevando _______.        I am wearing ____________________.

You can start the conversation by asking:
    ¿Qué llevas hoy?            What are you wearing today?

If they don’t respond, then say:
    Yo llevo una camisa y pantalones.      I’m wearing a shirt and pants.
¿Qué llevas tú?            What are you wearing.  (Point to the child.)

Grammar note:
If you would like to add colors to what you are wearing, descriptive adjectives follow the noun.  In English our adjectives come before the noun, so it is a little different in Spanish. 

    el vestido negro            black dress

The adjective and noun will always agree in number and gender (singular/plural and masculine/feminine). 

    la camisa negra            black shirt

Yo llevo el vestido amarillo, las medias azules*, la chaqueta negra y los zapatos rojos.

*Remember that if a noun or adjective ends in a consonant, add –es to make it plural (azul=azules)